What do I plant in August?

We are in the final month of the Hot season in Southeast Texas, Zone 9a. A lot of things are finishing up their season as we anticipate the oncoming Warm season of September through November. If you have plants struggling and you aren’t receiving much yield from them due to summer stress, consider pulling them up and planting throughout the month for the warm season. Here are some of the things we commonly plant during the month of August:


It’s the second growing season for tomatoes in our area. This growing window is much shorter so timing is important so that you can get a yield before it gets too cool. Plant no later than the 3rd-4th week in August.


If you don’t already have peppers planted from your spring warm season, now is the time to get some going. Timing is again important so that you can harvest before the temps get too cold.

Snap Beans

August is a great time to get a second planting of Snap Beans in. Bush beans are very popular and easy to grow in a raised bed. You should be able to get one or two pickings off of them before the season finishes. Contender Bush is the crowd favorite.


While some may still have cucumber plants hanging on, you can start fresh seeds in August for a great fall crop of cucumbers. Poinsette 76 or Tasty Green Burpless are our picks.


With the upcoming cooler temps, Broccoli comes into season. It’s one of the fewer cooler crops that can withstand some heat. I’d recommend planting this one mid to late August to avoid some of the hotter temps. If our fall warm season temperatures are too elevated, broccoli sometimes might not form nice heads. Calabrese Sprouting Broccoli matures quickly and will continue putting on side sprouts.

Before planting, layer in come fresh compost to top off your beds and give a good fertilizer application with an organic such as Microlife 6-2-4.

Stay tuned for the big season change and cool weather garden planting! if you aren’t sure where to start let us help plant your garden for you or problem solve your existing one!


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